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hiu-san-shop / 2016-01-07







1) 商品有破洞或破爛;

2) 款式與圖片截然不同;

3) 與訂購之尺碼不同;

4) 配送人員之過失而發錯商品;









1) 因發貨時間太長為由要求退款

2) 以個別商品斷貨為由要求全額退款

3) 以商品無吊牌、無標籤為由要求退款

4) 以訂貨後不能更改顏色、款式、尺寸為由要求退款

5) 商品有洗滌過的痕跡(因商品均從韓國訂購,故洗滌過的韓國一概不受理)

6) 超過我方提供的退貨要求期限(須在簽收物品後24小時內)

7) 因會員主觀原因,如:極小污點、小線頭、皮質商品掉小渣、電腦顯示造成的色差(不同顯示器,會有不同的色差)、質料比想像中的差、尺寸不適合、穿上不好看等;

8) 根據每台電腦顯示屏之調節不同導致會員個人對圖片和顏色的判斷錯誤。

9) 由於尺寸測量方式不同,而導致的褲子裙子類商品的臀圍誤差較大。

10) 在進行退貨核實時發現,為了退換貨而進行的人為破壞。

11) 會員提供的商品質量圖片屬於初步審核,如果收到商品與會員提供的照片不符,並在不屬於退換貨基本原則內,我們將不再處理。

12) 棉質商品由於試穿可能會有變形,所以不能完全按照網站上尺寸標準要求退換。

13) 商品出現詳細尺碼顯示少於4cm

14) 退換申請通過後之48小時內,未能及時發出會員需退換之商品。

15) 顏色較深的商品掉色,如:時常發生的牛仔布料等...不屬於質量問題。

16) 需我方人員去取件方式的退換形式,如出現此情況均不予處理。

17) 訂製商品(又名製作商品、手工商品),不可因尺碼,色差等以及輕微的質量問題退換





1) 在收到退回商品後確認不存在質量,顏色,等退換條件時,我方有權把商品反退給會員;並且往反運費均需由會員承擔;因會員自身特殊原因或單方無理要求並不配合正常程序時,我方有權把會員賬戶內之累計積分中,扣除相應金額積分作反退商品給會員之運費之用。

2) 針織類材質起毛/洗過後變型;如(起毛)針織類根據穿戴摩擦都會發生起毛或毛粒。(變型)根據材質分類,有生活基礎洗滌常識,不被列為質量問題。








1) 因自身質量問題或配送失誤時,退回商品運費並申請重訂發出時的運費均由我方承擔。(我方所承擔之退回商品運費中之最高金額不得高於港幣50元)

2) 我方不會接受到付之郵件,郵費一概由會員先付,待我們核實確定後,會把退回件運費退到閣下之會員帳號餘額內。運費到付之郵件將會按原件返退回給該郵寄人員。需由我方人員去取件之郵件也一律不予處理。



hiu-san-shop/ 2016-01-07


Please read the respective rules.

In order to avoid the occurrence of the two sides disagree, first when members receive the item, we must promptly check whether the items are intact. Such as when there is a problem found in within 24 hours after receipt of the goods together with the captured goods in question and a clear majority of the photographs provide order number and product number, e-mail and contact us.


Under what circumstances can be returned merchandise?


1) Goods have holes or broken;

2) distinct style and image;

3) with a different order of size;

4) personnel of negligence and wrong delivery of goods;


Any one kind of the above can apply for returned, this time members need to find the product quality problems (damage) is to place the goods of a problem with the camera to take a clear photo and send it to us; a processing personnel need to distinguish whether the goods photo initially determined that the problem does exist.

After we forwarded photos to South Korea after a preliminary assessment of preliminary confirmation by our respondents, members can have a problem of the return of goods to our designated return address. Members must be sure to send along with the original packaging within 48 hours after our initial confirmation merchandise and inform us the order number and shipping costs and other information, otherwise the application expired, the application will no longer accept return of the goods. When the receipt of the goods returned and confirmed their goods there are problems, it will be a replacement for treatment by our members.


Basics of goods can not be returned:


When members have sent the wrong item found or quality problems, first with our staff to apply and after the adoption, before the normal return this product. When returning, be sure to use the original bags together to return merchandise, such as return of goods no original packaging bags, are not providing processing.

The following cases are not included in the returned range:

1) due to long shipping time by requesting a refund

2) to individual goods out of stock by a full refund

3) commodity no tag, no tag on the grounds to request a refund

4) After the order can not change the color, style, size grounds to request a refund

5) The goods are washed at the scene (because goods are ordered from South Korea, it is washed Korea be entertained)

6) Return exceeds our requirements provided for (shall, within 24 hours after receipt of items)

7) by Member subjective reasons, such as: small stains, small thread, leather goods out of small slag, computer display color (different monitors have different color) caused by poor material than imagined, the size is not fit to wear It does not look like;

8) The adjustment of each computer screen leads to individual members of different images and colors misjudgment.

9) due to the different size hip measurement, which led to the pants skirt commodities errors.

10) during return verification found to return and carry out human destruction.

11) The picture quality of the goods provided by members of a preliminary audit, if you receive the goods and members of the photo does not match, and does not belong to the basic principles of return, we will not deal with.

12) cotton goods may be deformed due to try, it is not entirely in accordance with the size of the standard requirements on the site returned.

13) Product Details Size Show appears less than 4cm

14) returned within 48 hours after application by the failure to issue timely members must be returned the merchandise.

15) darker commodity fade, such as: frequent denim etc ... not a quality problem.

16) the need to pick up pieces of the way our staff returned the form, as this is the case are disregarded.

17) Contract goods (aka production of goods, handmade goods), can not be due to the size, color and other quality problems returned and minor



Under what circumstances can not be returned goods?


1) After the receipt of returned merchandise confirm there is no quality, color, etc. when conditions returned, we are entitled to the goods retrograde to members; and must be held by a member to the opposite shipping; because members of their own special reasons or unilateral unreasonable demands When not with the normal procedures, we have the right to accumulate points within the Member's account, the amount deducted points for retrograde goods to members of the freight use.

2) knitting material fluff / Washed variations; if (fluff) occurs knitting wool fluff or worn friction tablets will be based on.(Variant) according to the material classification, basic life washing common sense, is not listed as a quality problem.


You can replace different style or color commodity?


No, whether due to be returned in any case regulation occurs, only re-set the same paragraph with a return of the same color products.


Send also who will bear the cost of return?


1) due to their own quality problems or when delivery errors, return the goods and apply for rescheduling freight shipping when issued by our commitment. (We assumed the return of goods freight in the maximum amount shall not exceed HK $ 50 million)

2) We will not receive payment of the mail, postage prepaid Yigai by the member until after we verify determination will return the items Shipment retreated within the members of your account balance. Will pay the freight to the message of the press back to return to the original mailing staff. The message needs to pick up the pieces of our staff also will be disregarded.


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