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hiu-san-shop / 2016-01-07




1. 登入會員帳號。如閣下尚未成為本站會員,請前往登記Sign up


2. 當找到心儀商品後,請點擊圖片進入商品詳細頁

    訂購商品 - 預約6-13個工作天到港

    現貨商品  1-2個工作天內發貨

(溫馨提示: 如訂單內包含了現貨及訂購貨品,我們會等待貨品全部到齊才發貨)

3. 選擇尺碼及顏色後,按"放入購物車"

4. 如欲繼續選購心儀商品,按"確定",繼續選購其他商品或按"取消"到購物車,確認商品數量及價錢無誤後, 按"結算"。

5. 填妥收貨人資料後,按"配送到這個地址"

6. 選擇配送方式 / 支付方式 / 其他資料 (可選擇使用Cash Fun/Coupon)

7. 核對資料無誤後,按”提交訂單”

8. 系統會導出13位數字組成的訂單編號,如: 2013032739456,請保存此組號碼作往後查詢訂單之用

9. 我們會於一個工作天內以電郵方式確認訂單

10. 再次核對訂單內容無誤後,可繳付訂單,詳情可參閱“繳付方法”

(溫馨提示: 所有訂單一經付款確認後,我們便會盡快向韓國訂購。凡已付款的訂單,恕不能對商品內容作出任何修改或增減。因此,請客戶在付款前仔細覆核商品內容)

11. 如銀行轉帳,請於付款後發送收據到Email : /Whatsapp : (+852) 68183657

12. 確實收到貨款後的一個工作天內,我們會盡快處理訂單

13. 確認訂單內的全部商品抵港後,我們會根據該訂單的配送方式,由韓國品牌公司貨倉直接出貨,以飛機空運,直達顧客指定地址收取。



Shopping Process 
hiu-san-shop / 2016-01-07


Details Shopping step

1. Login account. As you have not yet become a member, go to register

     Sign up

2. When you find your favorite goods after, click on the picture to enter product details page

    Ordering goods - Appointment 6-13 working days to Hong Kong

    Spot commodity shipping 1-2 working days

(Tips: If within the order contains the spot and make a purchase, we will wait for all in attendance before shipment of goods)

3. Select the size and color, according to the "Add to Cart"

4. To continue to buy your favorite commodity, press "OK" to continue to buy other goods or press "Cancel" to cart, confirm the number of commodities and the price is correct, press "settlement."

5. Completion consignee information, press the "delivery to this address"

6. Select Delivery / Payment / Additional information (optional use Cash Fun / Coupon)

7. After checking information is correct, press the "Submit Order"

8. The system will export 13-digit order number, eg: 2013032739456, save this set of numbers for future use Order Tracking

9. We will confirm your order within one working day by e-mail

10. Again check the contents of the order is correct, you can pay order, the details can be found in "payment method"

(Tips: Once all orders after payment confirmed, we will be ordered from South Korea who have payment orders as quickly as possible, without energy content of goods to make any modifications or changes in so please carefully review the customer before payment commodity content.)

11. The bank transfer, please send the payment receipt to Email: | Whatsapp:(+852) 68183657

12. Indeed one working day after receipt of payment, we will process the order as soon as possible

13. Confirm all the goods arriving within the order, we will in accordance with the order of delivery methods, direct shipments by Korean brands warehouses to airlift aircraft, collect direct customer specified address.


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